Ability to Select Multiple Unread Topics and Mark as Read

Much like emails, it would be useful to be able to select multiple topics and mark them as “Read” to get rid of old notifications.

Changing the options for notifications in certain categories (after the fact) does not affect the count for these topic (which is understandable). That being said, selecting each topic and scrolling down to the bottom for EACH individual thread is a real drudgery when you have hundreds looking you in the face.

Use the dismiss button on the unread tab for this. It is at the bottom for small lists of unread topics, and at the top and bottom for large lists of unread topics.

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Any chance you’d consider providing a “Mark as read” button on the “Latest” page? We’re getting user requests for such a functionality in our forum, and I can see how it can be useful if you don’t outright want to ignore topics (which permanently removes them from most views), but just not read them this time.

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Also getting user requests for this, the Mark All as Read button that acted on the Recent Posts list of the original forum was extremely popular.

This feature seems to have been implemented on May 26, 2021:

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