Add Account Deletion


Please include a standard feature for the user to delete his forum account. Also, changing the username becomes impossible after a certain number of messages were posted, as far as I know.

This, combined, makes it impossible for the user to not leave digital traces. In many countries, it is legally granted to people to request the erasure of their personal data. For example, here is EU regulation.


This feature already exists. Look under user preferences at the bottom of the page.

However, you can only delete your account when it is new. See the relevant site settings to adjust those thresholds.


None of the regulations require deletion or anonymization to be self-service, so the self service options are locked out after they would become disruptive to the community.

You can ask the forum administrators to delete your account, but they may respond by anonymizing it instead.


Thanks for the replies.

From your words I can understand that the mechanism of Discourse is such that it is impossible to delete users’ accounts without breaking the whole thing.

In addition, it’s not possible to change the username.

That’s just not right. Users are not even warned about this when they sign up.

No, that’s not correct.

This is also not correct.


User keeps searching for the ‘Account Deletion’ button. In vain.

If any user wants to delete his account, he keeps searching for the ‘Delete Account’ option, not knowing what is the underlying condition for ‘Posts threshold’.
Can we show the ‘Delete My Account’ button, although as a gray button showing ‘unavailable to be clicked’, to those users who’ve posted more times than the threshold allows them? Or perhaps a small hovering explanation to the users informing them of the ‘requisition’?

Even without the hovering help/info, this ‘unavailable to delete account’ button would be much helpful and save user’s time to find that button.


Even if its displayed and greyed out the site staff will most likely resort to anonymising the account anyway so great user has found the button but why show a button that isn’t functional?

edit: Maybe something like this?


Not a good solution. That means we are showing not helpful and negative pseudo-button/information to vass majority of users.

What we need is a simple button that directs to easy document telling what is going on and there should be a simple tickbox to demand deletion — and that request shall go to admin and admin only.


In any case, ‘the absence of any button’ confuses a button lot and forces the user to keep looking for such buttons under all menus and options.

I think probably the best way is create a button on that section for example Account Deletion Request clicking on this button a PM (admin is the recipient) composer opens with some placeholder (title and textarea). This way users easily can send an account deletion or anonimazition request and Admins also can review the account before delete or anonimize it.

This button would appears when canDeleteAccount is false (so the default Delete My Account is not appears) or make it trust level restriction and it can use the user-preferences-account plugin outlet which is here on account page. But the better position is on the bottom of the page. Just like where the default button is appear.

Screenshot 2022-11-09 at 10.29.35

If I have some time maybe I create a theme component for this. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hello @Bathinda,

Here is the theme component :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you very much. This solved my problem exactly/100%


39 posts were split to a new topic: Why is ‘delete account’ not offered automatically to all users at all times?