Adding more groups to the `/about` page

Hi everyone.

Bit of a long shot here as I’m not sure this is supported any more due to its age :blush:

We had been using this theme from @awesomerobot to display our TL4 team members on our /about page for the last few years:

<!-- Display TL4 users on /about page - REF: -->
<script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.8">
const ajax = require('discourse/lib/ajax').ajax;
  api.registerConnectorClass('about-after-moderators', 'custom-group', { 
    setupComponent(args, component) {
        var groups = ["trust_level_4"]; // Add group names here, eg: var groups = ["trust_level_4", "interns"];
                groups.forEach(function(group) {
            ajax("/groups/" + group + "/members.json").then (function(result){ 
              var groupMembers = [];
              component.set(group, groupMembers); 
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="/connectors/about-after-moderators/custom-group"> 
    <section class='about custom'> 
       <h3>Our Trust Level 4 Team</h3> <!-- Change icon and title -->
       <div class='users'>
         {{#each trust_level_4 as |u|}} <!-- change the group name in here  -->
           {{user-info user=u}}

Alas, it’s a little broken since we updated to the new /about page a few days ago.

When logged out, it still displays the heading but no users are listed:

It also displays an icon to the left of the heading, which as you’ll see isn’t in the code above. That icon is also not present when logged in.

Could this theme code be updated to either display nothing at all when logged out, or to get the TL4 users listed in there?

The second issue is that it’s not honouring any users which are added to our special group that we use on site setting about page hidden groups. Users in that group are correctly hidden from the Admins list in the upper section but those users are still visible in the TL4 list in the lower section.

The third issue is that the alignment is out. It’s listing all the TL4 names in a straight-down list, rather than wrapping them based on screen size:

Again, not sure if any of this is possible now due to the age of the code we once used and due to the new updates to the /about page.

Any advice or suggestions welcomed :slight_smile:


To support this in a less copy-and-paste style way, I’ve built a theme component that can add additional groups to the new /about page:

Unfortunately at the moment this is still true for either approach… I don’t think we have access to that setting on the front-end, so this would require some more changes to Discourse to support it.


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