Add posting limits to Trust Levels

Trust level 1 can open 1 topic per day, 20 replies per day
Trust level 2 can open 5 topics per day and give 50 replies
Trust level 3 can open 10 topics per day and give 70 replies
Trust level 4 can open 20 topics per day and give 100 replies

Is it possible to make such a setting

topic opening and reply limits in the core apply to all trust levels

There should be differences in the level of trust between users in this regard

should actually be an option that should be added to the kernel

Do you really have a problem with trust level 2 users posting too much?

Yes, it would be good to keep it in a certain status until it reaches the leader level, on the contrary, it would be an incentive to reach the highest level.

It’s not currently possible and TBH it seems counterintuitive. You want to hamstring people from being active, which kinda goes against the spirit of community.