How to set message limits for user groups?

For example

Trust level 1 can open 1 topic per day, 20 replies per day

Trust level 2 can open 5 topics per day and give 50 replies

Is it possible to make such a setting

You can change the replies per day on a trust level basis already in site settings. However, you can’t control how many topics a user can open out of the box. There are create topic / post rate limits but these apply to all users. [1]

I would suggest:

  1. Using groups to control who can create/reply/see on certain categories.
  2. Have a look at the Discourse Subscriptions plugin
  3. Have a look at the Discourse Patreon Plugin
  4. For a custom solution post your requirements in the marketplace category

  1. If you want trust level specific rate limits, you could create a feature request or suggestion 4 below ↩︎


unfortunately these are not relevant

topic opening and reply limits in the core apply to all trust levels

There should be differences in the level of trust between users in this regard
should actually be an option that should be added to the kernel

I wasn’t too sure myself about the plugins, but I thought having groups that controlled things a bit would help you. Have you considered my 1st point?

As I said in the footnote you are free to create a feature request. In my opinion, its not a bad idea.

At the moment, your best option is to design something yourself or ask in marketplace

