Adding a `priority` besides normal and mute

We’re interested in many Topics , over a variety of Rich Categories
It’s So easy to lose track time what’s interesting and truly Worthwhile (as more topics pile up)

It would be better to add a mini-feature: a priority choice (inside the Dropdown List between normal and mute) on a Member’s Page. this feature can have the following:

  1. Notification List: e.g. ‘Member X’ has added a new topic (check it out!) :slight_smile:
  2. Email: about new posts (have you seen that post yet?) :wink:
    (Besides, of course, taking the user’s Consent to receive them, in the first place.

If there’s an issue with the name itself, then follow would be more meaningful & suitable

Going from a topic-driven to a member-driven would enhance the utility of the Discourse forum.
Any thoughts to add?

Something like this?


exactly thanks a bunch!