Admin post needs approval

Hi as an admin I posted a new topic and I see (for the first time) the banner “needs approval” on my post, when I approved it, this banner remains. Why do I need approval as an admin and how to get rid of that “needs approval” banner? Thanks.

Can you post a screen shot? I’m having trouble understanding the circumstances.

That looks like it may be a tag and isn’t out of the box functionality, as far as I’m aware. Do you have some kind of autotagging or moderation plugin running?

Not that I am aware of. And an approve button appears under the post, I click it but it never goes away.

Isn’t it Discourse Category Experts Plugin? :thinking:

Can you look at the browser’s console (right-click on the page → inspect → Console tab) to see if any relevant errors are happening?


Yes good idea, it’s that, I’ll have a look at my plugin settings.


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