AI Auto-generated post thumbnail

Is there a way to have AI automatically generate the post thumbnail/graphic based on the content, the very same way AI Forum Helper can generate the title?

I believe it would make many forums more visually appealing.

I believe thatā€™s already implemented?:


It isnā€™t automatic. But sure, automatic isnā€™t here really automatic, I reckon.

Well, quality and the need to paste a nice part of text to get something that is even close to on topic is off topic :joy:

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Iā€™ve also added this feature to the very first Discourse AI plugin, AI Topic Summary, as an experimental feature (not sure if you still use this @Jagster but I know you were a fan):


I think quality of the thumbnail and speed might be the big deterring factors to making it fully automatic. The manual process we have now gives you a choice so thereā€™s that