All a's are capitalized in translated messages


We’re having a strange bug since… today (but we upgraded to 3.1.0.beta2 a bit late).

Some translated UI message have all their “A” capitalized, like in this page at the bottom where we can see:

mdk A supprimé de lA une le 16 oct. '22. Il ne serA plus Affiché en hAut de chAque pAge.

mdk A épinglé ce sujet globAlement le 21 oct. '22

3 mois plus tard

mdk A mis à lA une il y a 2 heures. Il serA Affiché en hAut de chAque pAge jusqu'à ce qu'il soit ignoré pAr un utilisAteur.

mdk A supprimé de lA une il y a 2 heures. Il ne serA plus Affiché en hAut de chAque pAge.

Isn’t this a bit strange? :smiley:


That’s a very good question. I see the correct translations on Crowdin in the stable branch. The same translations should be used for the main branch, but they aren’t. I’m reporting that problem to Crowdin. Hopefully it can be fixed soon.


I’m reporting that problem to Crowdin.

Thank you!

In the meAntime, some of our users Are jokingly cApitAlizing All A’s in their messAges…

Some initiAly though it wAs A privAte joke, And now it’s stArting to become one :slight_smile:


The problem on Crowdin is fixed and I updated the translations. Everything should be bAck to normAl the next time you upgrAde Discourse. :smiley: