Allow specifiy user different from guardian.user in chat services such as Chat::CreateMessage

Now that PostCreator can specify user as post’s creator and guardian to verify posting permissions, I would like Discourse Chat to have similar behavior, which would allow plugins to help send messages from a user (whether it is in the chat channel or not) with the guardian of the system user.

Usage: In Discourse Automation and Chat bridge, you need to send chat messages from plugin. But currently this script will most likely fail to be sent because the user you specify (e.g. DiscoBot) may not be in the channel.

I know the team is very busy, so I can do this by myself. I hope the Discourse team thinks this can be added to the core, then I will take the time to modify the code here and submit a pull request.

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Discourse Chatbot solved a similar challenge with current code without needing any specific changes in core, have you taken a look at my solution?

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thank you so much for your suggestion! let me see it

Yes as @merefield said, a chat service accepts a guardian, and you can set the guardian as you want.

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