Alternatives to lock icon for categories

What about this solution, which makes things completely consistent.

Topics that are closed show the lock icon for people that can not post in it, like regular users, and show the lock open icon for people that can post in it, admins, moderators etc. So it shows that it is open for you, but locked for other people.

So for categories, you have the same thing, show the lock open icon if the category is unlocked for you, but locked for other people. In this way, things would be consistent, and quite intuitive, I would say.

There is a general “ghostbusters no / slash” they call ban – I think we should change Close to use that, if anything. As in “topic is closed, replies prohibited here!”

You could interpret it as “this topic is prohibited here” which… well actually now that I think about it might not be wrong in many cases, either.

I’m not really feeling any of these suggestions. I think that the current, the lock icon, is the least bad.

I can’t believe how long this discussion has been going on. Are we bikeshedding?

Personally I’m also not especially inspired by any of the icons discussed here as a default, but I do know that my users have been confused by the sudden appearance of the lock. If it had always been there I think they probably would not have said anything about it.

Honestly, I’m with thump and think the nicest solution would be to have no icon at all by default, and to allow custom icons for all categories, similar to badges. Within each category the “about this category” topic can be used to explain the details of who has access along with what it’s for.

That way those who want a lock or a group or whatever icon can have it and we can also add some personality to our forums.


Bikeshedding the ui is a pastime at Meta. Intentions are well but probably delves too deep to where the points discussed becomes a varied, splitting array of contentions and then @sam makes it a configurable option in the admin CP. So you’re on the right track to a solution in this specific case.


That’s just the usual “my cheese has been moved, put it back” reaction though. It’s not really a data point.

Actually my point was that all of this probably doesn’t even matter in my community. The lock icon on categories is fine. :sunny:

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And can’t icons be swapped out to something different if so desired?

I don’t know what or how much work was involved, but on our forum for “private” categories, the “group” icon was changed to “eye slash”

It can be done using CSS. It doesn’t require a whole lot. My thought on the whole thing: If people aren’t customizing it on their instances, then obviously they don’t care enough that it needs to be changed. Yes, we changed ours. We cared enough to do so. We also added a watermark in the background on topics that are in private categories, because we cared enough to do so.

I’m not sure everyone else cares that much…

Having it be configurable allows us to put custom icons for categories, not just for private ones. Just because it can be done with CSS, though in a less clean way than changing a config, doesn’t mean it is the best solution now.

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You really need a config that does the following for you?

.badge-category i.fa.fa-lock:before { content: "\f084"; }

I mean, really. It is a one line customization.

I am guessing he meant something hard-coded. Eg, an image and text together, instead of using CSS. That is in case the CSS sheet isn’t included but the icon still shows regardless.

That makes the icon more than just a ‘style tweak’ but instead an integral identifying aspect of the ui that sticks regardless of what stylesheet is put in.

You can do all that with CSS too :smile: It may be ~4 lines but definitely do able. Plus since you can enable multiple styles now, you can simply have one for category alterations and keep it enabled :wink:

My point was, no one is really customizing this icon today. So we’re bikeshedding here. “It would be great if we use X or Y or Z” without actually seeing people using it.

I simply showed how easy it is to customize the icon. The background image is a bit harder, but by a smudge (I haven’t tested this, but it should be relatively close).

.badge-category i.fa.fa-lock:before { content: ""; } /* remove the existing icon */
.badge-category i.fa { background-image: url('...'); background-repeat: norepeat; padding: 6px 6px 6px 6px; } /* assuming 12x12 icon */

That’s what I mean, it’s CSS. Unless if there is never a case where a stylesheet may not come into question (or may not temporarily be available due to it being hosted on a CDN that’s having server problems)

But I agree it’s bikeshedding. My point of contention is having some options customizable from the admin CP that has staying power without a stylesheet.


If there were an option I’m sure more people would use that option.

Keep inind thee is no way to have different icons for different categories with just CSS. Well its technically possible but very janky and brittle.

I would use custom icons, and in fact had done so but had to override the template and it wasn’t very clean. Ended up removing it at the time because there were multiple areas where category templates weren’t the same.

I’m fine to add category slug to badge wrapper, though technically you can already target the href


Yes but I feel that is hacky. Honestly I’m not hell bent on anything here. Just speaking my piece. I think its wrong to dismiss the various opinions here since they aren’t really wrong all around.


It is hackey. Also to be clear, @codinghorror is listening it’s just that it takes a pretty strong argument to change stuff again

I am not particularly happy with changing to lock, but I do understand the reasoning behind it and drawbacks of group icon.

One of the things that makes discourse so awesome is that we all care enough to discuss it


Exactly. If we didn’t care we wouldn’t talk at all or at least not with such fervor.

Huh, I just mentioned that same sentiment to someone else on another project. [05:14 AM] Tarak’ha (ooc): For me, when people complain, it means they would rather stay instead of skedaddle.