Anyone tried to implement a slipbox/zettelkasten in Discourse

So, has anyone tried using Discourse for a knowledge management system? Using Topics as cards, (or “slips”,) in the Zettelkasten.

Zettelkasten is usually mentioned as a note-taking method. However, the end goal of Zettelkasten is not gathering and collecting notes, but rather creating a competent and knowledgeable communication partner . The main interaction with the slip-box is not when we are writing and adding new notes, because the slip-box is not there to be an archive of our memory and knowledge. Slip-box is there to be an apparatus with which we think. Therefore, the main interaction is when we communicate with the slip-box by confronting ourselves and our thinking with our prior knowledge.

From, Understanding Zettelkasten, which is a good intro to slip boxes, or “zettelkasten.” Zettelkasten were famously used by Niklas Luhmann.

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Out of curiosity: what would the added value for users be to follow “Zettelkasten” system as opposed to current topic structure with tags and categories?


I don’t pretend to understand zettelkasken, but Kanban Board Theme Component - theme - Discourse Meta might be a starting place.


Made me wonder if there is a plugin that can make network diagrams of tags.

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Great slipbox fan here, you should use a specific tool for this like obsidian open source and markdown based.
Otherwise if you need a community KPM discourse would be great, I create MOC linking discussions and it works well

Hey, @craigconstantine! Check this out:

I do agree with @alefattorini, though. It’s probably smarter to use Obsidian or Notion for that. Both are free for individual use.

No, but you could base it on my plugin that does the same thing for networks of users

However, I’m not sure how interesting network of tags would be, could you please elaborate on the relationships you are trying to depict?

What’s helpful about it? (apart from it being potentially pleasant abstract art?)

Are you proposing to show a connection when tags are added alongside others on the same topic? And the strength of lines would depict the number of times this occurs?

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