Automate reminders to mark solutions

I’m looking for a way to encourage our users to mark solutions to topics. Often times they’ll use the like icon instead, or not mark a solution even though there was one within the topic.

Are there any ways to automate some email reminders, or notifications, to encourage topic creators to mark a solution?


I’ve seen this happen quite a lot on the forum. So many times someone has helped a person solve a problem and the solution is never marked as such. Many people who have solved someone’s problem were never credited with their solutions.

Maybe a footer banner reminding the topic creator to mark someone’s reply as the solution will catch their eye while they are reviewing the replies.


I definitely agree with you here @Jason_Schulke. Users are not getting solution or credit for giving correct answer. Additionally, it makes staff work more difficult as they need to fish out a solution from all the posts which could have been done by the OP.

The OP (it seems):

  1. Either have no idea the solution button is there.


  1. Cba to press it?

That may help, but I think a notification or email could be more impactful, especially since users are already have a UI component as a nudge, but aren’t noticing.

Definitely. Another downside is that when you visit a category page and see a bunch of unchecked boxes (denoting no solution), that communicates that people aren’t finding answers to their questions, even if the opposite is true.


I agree with that, it requires work by either users or staff to screen postings and post a reminder to the OP in case a potential solution has been spotted.

In the OpenWrt forum, we use the Canned Replies plugin to post such a reminder:

A good example how an automated reminder could look like: Only recently I got an email from stackexchange:


I am also looking for this feature. @simon Is there any chance that we will see this added to the platform?



Based off internal discussions we’ve had about this, it seems unlikely to be added to the core Discourse code.

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That means if we want this functionality in Discourse, then $someone needs to write a plugin for that, right?


We’re also missing this feature on the Weaviate community forum and it means that periodically a staff member has to spend time going through the unsolved topics and choosing a possible answer.


Is there a way to vote for this plugin to be integrated into the Discourse hosted installations?

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We don’t currently have voting set up for feature requests. If you think a particular feature should be given consideration and development time, you can post your support/desire for it within the feature topic. The more popular it is, and the the more convincing the use case(s), the more likely it is to be picked up. :+1:

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