Autoresponder (after 15 minutes) when someone joins my discourse


I’d like to know if there is anyway to setup an autoresponder/welcome message for newly registered users that would trigger…maybe 15 minutes after someone is registered.

This would be a custom message, and:

  • would come from a user, not a bot
  • would be emailed
  • would be sent as a system message

The idea is to have a nice customized, personalized message to greet new users and point them to some areas of interest to them.

I did to some searching around for this feature, and didn’t find anything exactly like it - so sorry if I missed a previous post that might cover this.


Customizing trust level promotion messages for new users is a great overview of the automated messages that are sent to users. Maybe customizing those already fulfills your needs, as the TL1 promotion message is sent after about 10 minutes of reading by default.

Otherwise, you can use the automation plugin. It offers a script to send a personal message, for example, when a user joins a group. After registration, every user is added to the trust_level_0 group. The script also allows you to select a sender and a delay.

Depending on how you configure the default email messages level, users will always receive an email when they receive a message. This would also affect the welcome message you send.


I see you’ve added the chat tag? On AMC, a bot called Welcomebot sends a message in the General chat channel to welcome that user.
IIRC @SnakeByte made the bot.