Badges Taking 24+ Hours to Appear

Some of the users on the forum I moderate are noticing that it takes 24+ hours for newly issued badges to appear on their profile. Is there a way to fix this?

What is the exact page they are checking for badges?

Thanks for the quick reply, @Falco! According to the support topic they created, they are checking both the user’s profile and the badges page. The badges page shows that the users are granted the TL, but their profile takes 24+ hours to appear. The issue is specific to TL badges.

/u/username/summary is cached.

/badges with the green check mark, user card and /u/username/badges are not cached, but some badges aren’t triggered right away.

Trust Level happens via a background job and it’s not instant. The summary page is cached for 24h, so they can check it via usercard, badges profile or overall badge page.


Right; however, it’s been 24+ hours. The logs show that the system has updated.

Was the problem user added to the respective trust level group?

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Yes, the user was added to the respective TL group!

I was able to figure it out. The badge was added; however, the user’s browser cache was preventing the change from appearing. Clearing the cache and restarting the device solved the issue. :slight_smile:

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