Baseline SEO

Is there anything I should do, or settings to check, to make the out of the box seo even better?
I have a page I want to target focus on for a very specific key word!


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There is one and only one thing you can do: create meaningful content. That’s it and nothing else is needed.

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I have a keyword with low competition.
If I want to get a specific post in the top three for that search, all I can do is wait?
Start sharing to try and get a lot of backlinks to it?

Sharing may give you visits and because Google is following those will be counted — or it looks that way, we don’t know what Google really does.

Backlinks per se are useless and old hype.

Keywords is another hype. It just means if you are writing about bacon and someone will search things about bacon you don’t use word pig (unless you are telling that bacon is from a pig). And so we are back in meaningful content :smirk:

But otherwise. Yes, you just have to wait. Atleast so long googlebot arrives and after that everything depends of you have real content that algorithm of google sees as useful content.


Is there a way to trigger them to crawl?

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Well, there is a trick that is made for news sites, but it needs some coding. It could work on forums, but it is rate limited (200 calls a day if I remember right) so it would easy waste for nothing.

Curious :face_with_monocle: :thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:

It’s possible to submit a URL in Google Search Console to ask them to crawl a page, but they might not do it immediately.

If you’re using Cloudflare, you can turn on Crawler Hints. I’m not sure if it works with Google but it should at least work with Bing’s IndexNow feature.

Quality backlinks still work, but acquiring them isn’t easy. It also helps to point internal links to the page.

If your forum is on a subdomain, you could try targeting the keyword on your main domain.

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You might to find this interesting, as an idea:


Sweet yeah that’s the type of link I was searching for.