Batch Delete topics in a category?

How feasible would it be to have a “select all” or check box for each topic in a category to run some action on - ie move, or delete?

The problem comes if you need to delete a bunch of posts or re-categorize them, it gets complicated / time consuming to do it for each topic.

Am I missing some bulk action? Is this on the road map?


This has been discussed dozens of times here on meta; the team plans to build it, but hasn’t done it yet.


@kpfleming - thanks.

Agreed we really need this. Will probably get to it soon. Apologies.


@eviltrout has introduced rudimentary support (admin only for now)

We really need some mocks for the controls, reaching to the wrench on the right is just too hard.

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What do you think of this idea?

A long click is really hard to discover, there are two action we want to surface very soon that operate on “everything in the list”

  • If you are on unread, and have more than 1 topic in the list, we want to expose “Stop tracking” which would move all the topics in the list back to “Regular”

  • If you are on new, and have more than 1 topic in the list, we want to expose “Clear New” that would basically tell us only treat stuff as new if it is posted after when that button was clicked.

(undo semantics are complicated though if at all feasible)

The big pain point I see now is not the selecting, its invoking the operation on the partial batch.

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Any plans to support this soon?

We just imported all topics from another forum, and deleting multiple topics is a pain.

@eviltrout has introduced rudimentary support (admin only for now)

@sam is there a way to use that option?

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We do need a “delete” option on the multi-select for topics, @eviltrout.


More info, please? :stuck_out_tongue:

That reminds me @eviltrout can you make sure the delete option is added here?

Oh, I see… Still in eviltrout’s discourse only, I suppose!

Nope. You just need to be a moderator or admin to see it.

And maybe this sword would help:

Where is it? I still can’t see it!

Quick Repro steps:
Click on check a few checkboxes, then click on

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Yeah, that’s the first thing I’ve tried. Not there. :frowning:

Yeah, I don’t think Delete is available just yet, as I don’t see it either.

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Just added this in master:


I don’t see it. :frowning: I can select multiple topics while browsing the category view, but once I have the topics selected I can not find the delete link anywhere. I’ve tried the hamburger, etc. I’m admin on the instance of discourse I’m using. I’m running 1.2.0beta4.

Where should I be looking?

I see the wrench at the upper right – it’s a bit offscreen depending on your resolution. Look there and drag the browser to make it horizontally wider. You’ll find it!