Broken Link

We have a broken link for an invite to a group on our community that I just sent out to 50k people in an email!. It’s unable to be redeemed. It worked for like 30 mins and then broke. If it has expired, is there any way to extend it or make it active again? Can anyone help?

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I think I know this one. For expired links, you can go to [your website domain]/my/invited/expired then click the pencil button on an expired invite to make it no longer expired by adjusting the time. You may also need to adjust the number of people as needed that can redeem the invite.

Otherwise if you cannot find the invite, can you try to create a new invite link for your group then send it to everyone again by email? Just as a comment, the maximum resumptions for an invite is up to 5000 from my knowledge.


Hi! I cannot find it unfortunately in that section. And the number of redeems had not hit 5k, in fact it was at 1.1k. So I wonder what the issue is

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the maximum number of invites you can send to people at once

Maybe the invite broke. I wonder if a new invite link would help. Otherwise, I don’t know what’s going on as I’m not the best in some areas at helping


Yes, that is exactly what happened. The issue was caused by setting the invite link’s max uses to 1k. The invite was sent to 50k users and eventually hit the max uses limit. Once the max uses were increased, the invite link started working again.