Bug with group requests?

It doesn’t happen every time I click on the groups tab to see if there are unfulfilled requests to join a group, but sometimes when it brings up the request the box with the message shakes up and down until I navigate to another page.

Don’t know how I can reproduce it or even show how it appears on our Discourse-hosted site. I suppose I could take a video of it on my iPhone. :slight_smile:

FWIW, I’m accessing it using Microsoft Edge on a Dell WIn 11 laptop.

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Having a video would definitely help :+1:


Group requests aren’t that frequent, but the next time I see this problem I’ll try to get a video of it.


I’m trying to post a video of the shaky screen issue but it doesn’t seem to be working, should I try emailing it to someone?

Jammy edit: Shared privately due to potentially sensitive info

I think I’ve managed to edit the video into your post. :crossed_fingers:

Edit Just noticed a bit of PII in there so have copied it over into a whisper. :+1:


What did you have to do to get the video to work, is it something that went wrong on my end?

The insert-video component does not work with .mov

I think you can upload .mov like other files instead of using the video button provided by the component


I got a fairly consistent repro. You need to scroll up and down multiples times after reaching the end of the page while the loading indicator is showing.

I didn’t dig the code yet, it might be related to 429 or just debouncing. The cases where you have it “naturally” are probably due to a specific size of the window which might create this loop of reached bottom/didn’t reach/reached bottom/didn’t reach…

We might look at this at some point; but this is fairly low priority.

Thanks for the good catch! This PR should fix it:


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