Bulk mark messages and posters as spam

My forum Coding Forum - Developers Discussions and Problem-Solving on ShakaCode Forum got overrun with spam in the past few weeks!

It’s so much that I can’t manually go into every message.

How can I search and bulk delete spam?

I’m using

Should I install this:

Those all got past akismet? That seems surprising. Did they do something to get to tl1 and bypass akismet?

Since they are so similar you can look at Administrative Bulk Operations to see ways to delete them all (I think it should have an example).

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That’s a lot of spam! As far as I know, there isn’t a way to bulk process flags. There is on open feature request though. I see you have 2 inactive admins on your site. I didn’t look at how active your community is, but have you considered granting a trusted member moderator to help you clear stuff up? I can’t see any ways to bulk process/delete flags in the Administrative Bulk Operations topic.

Not sure if this has changed since April but it would be a neat feature :wink:

There is also this option?

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With 590, I need to bulk approve!

What about that plugin? Akismet good enough?

What is that?

You need both the Discourse AI and Discourse Automation plugin for the post classifier to work. Additionally, you will need a LLM [1]. These can get expensive especially if it has to make a lot of calls.

I’d say Akismet is good enough at accurately detecting spam so its really up to you what you choose.

tl1 means Trust Level 1 which is a Basic user. See Understanding Discourse Trust Levels for more info.

  1. Large Language Model ↩︎


And if you’re using akismet, it has a setting to determine which trust levels it applies to.