Can’t scroll forum rightaway when chat is open, and vice versa

After 2.9.0beta7 ugrade scrolling forum itself is impossible if chat is open. Same thing happends here. I’m using Hub and iPad.

I don’t know if this can be counted as a bug, but I’m quite sure it worked just fine earlier.

  • open chat
  • try to scroll forum outside chat-winwod
  • only chat window is restless

It is issue of focus, I reckon. Because if I tap first forum side and start scrolling after that it works just fine. But tap/swiping is less intuitive than just swiping :wink:

So — if it is even possible, but could scrolling using up/down swipe happend only in that window/modal/popup/what-ever where a finger touches screen?

Do you know which commit of discourse-chat you have ? 2.9.0beta7 doesn’t tell us much, this is the version of discourse core, not the version of discourse chat.

Oh, I see.

Does this help more?

Edit: chat, not discourse…

How do I find it?

If you just had installed it it should be the last commit. It depends on when you did the core update.

About 18 hours ago and yes, I did.

I will reconsider this but for now we will have to keep it in this state. Sorry.

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Well, this isn’t major one. Just minor slighty annoying thing :wink:


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