Can the AI bot summarize large swaths of text?

Most of our content is video driven. Our idea was to post the video (vimeo) then drop a transcript into the body and hide it using the summary feature.

A simple question, like please provide a detailed summary of George Gammon’s latest presentation from Rebel Capitalist Live broke the bot.

“Unfortunately, the full details of the transcript from his presentation aren’t available directly in the brief excerpt. However, exploring the linked video might be the best way to access the comprehensive content of his presentation.”

I’m just curious, is there a way to get the bot to actually look at the transcript and summarize it?

I noticed it’s not sourcing the full transcript but a brief excerpt. Could this be the issue?


This should certainly work, if you use the “read” tool it will read the full post.

Can you share the conversation you had, we will have a look? If you prefer keeping it private happy to move this into the team inbox.

Hey Thanks for chiming in Sam. So I think it must be some kind of permission issue. I feel like i’ve thrown the kitchen sink at this thing with respect to permissions and still can’t get the bot to read the thread I created…

my prompt: "can you access the thread and the transcript on this page?"

“Hello fellow rebel capitalist, hope you’re well! It seems that the topic you provided (Joseph Wang - June 1, 2024) is not found or may not be accessible at this moment. If you have any other details or another link, feel free to share them with me, and I’ll do my best to assist!”

It is not a public link. For some reason sometimes topics must be everybody, sometimes not. And if a bot tries use full link it will do it as a… web browser. And maybe-perhaps then forced login is an issue?

One example of many I am trying to solve is this:

So here’s a presentation. Inside the summary is a transcript of the presentation

I ask the bot,

“Can you provide me a detailed summary of George Gammon’s latest presentation from Rebel Capitalist Live 5 on June 1, 2024?”

It returns:

Are there any AI bot people in here who know what they are doing that I can possibly hire so I can stop dicking around with this thing and move on?

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I’ve certainly had that feeling a couple of times. :slight_smile:

If you post in marketplace you should hopefully be able to find someone. :crossed_fingers:

Good point, Will do that… Appreciate ya @JammyDodger

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I am not sure if you need to hire anyone here, I will log in and have a look if you are good with it.

From the screenshot I can see that you did not enable debugging.

Read topic only works on public topics, I added a switch to allow searching of private topics to search, will do the same for the read tool.

Keep in mind … AI these days is more art than science, it can do a lot of things but it is an imperfect system inherently.

Given the lock in the screenshot the problem is that you are trying to access a private topic.


@sam that would be epic! Yes please hop in if you have a moment. Sincerely appreciate ya.


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Will do later today, need to land a PR to allow the tool (optionally) to read content in the context of the person talking to the bot.

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Right on! Thank you.

This is now implemented, the read command now has this option:

The image shows a checkbox option labeled "Read Private" that allows access to all topics a user has access to, including private topics, rather than just public topics by default. (Captioned by AI)

The read command now support reading topics in the context of the user, if you opt for it.

Tested on your site and it is working great!


Just to be absolutely sure. An user means in this context that real user who made a request, not that ai-pseudo-user that tries answer? I mean, both users have rights from trustlevel.

Hey Sam, This works much better with respect to answers. Thank you sir!

Do you know why the bot would add a /1 to the Wang presentation post, thereby breaking the link?

Also, noticed that it wants to take you to the video hosting site instead of the post unless you get specific. And the post URL doesn’t work as mentioned above. I see what you mean by more of an art.

When I asked it to show me where I can watch Joseph Wang’s latest presentation from rebel Capitalist live.

It said,

“You can watch Joseph Wang’s presentation at Rebel Capitalist Live by following this link: Joseph Wang - Rebel Capitalist Live Presentation. Joseph Wang’s post in the Rebel Capitalist Live forum can be found here.”

Working post link should be :point_down::point_down:

The answer here is very much “it depends”

  • Different LLMs perform better or worse… for example you have GPT 3.5 (cheapest / worse) … GPT 4o (more expensive / better). I would recommend you reduce variable by going to your LLM page and disabling GPT-4 and 3.5 turbo and only having 4o enabled.

  • System prompts matter, if you want the LLM to behave in a certain way, include some examples of “good behavior” in the system prompt.

  • There is an aspect of randomness as well which is hard to control.

Please retry with GPT 4o and see how you go.


Thank you @sam that did the trick. We also added an additional line to the system prompt “when you retrieve a link, be sure that it is a link to somewhere inside this platform only.”

I think this bot just made our service 10x more valuable to our members. :muscle::muscle::muscle: