Can the data explorer search input be converted to lower case?

I sometimes have problems searching for table items in the Data Explorer search.
The problem is my tablet inserts a capital letter at the beginning of the text field by default, but the search cannot handle that.

Is it possible to convert my search input to lowercase, so that I won’t stumble over capital letters anymore?

Another option would be to change the input field so that my tablet doesn’t try to capitalize the first letter.


If you’re talking about your tablet forcing upper case on stuff like category_id or topics, I’m afraid you’re out of luck. If you mean for things that you’re searching for, then probably so.

heh, this is exactly why I have capitalization disabled for like everything on all devices :grin:

I usually just let the bot do the grammer thing later if / when I need it. :wink:

i want a forced-lowercase setting called “auto-socialization”


Regardless, casing really should not matter. The fact it is case sensitive is a bug. We should always lower case it and then search.

The image is a screenshot of a webpage with a search bar and a search result page.  (Captioned by AI)


@Moin Thanks for your catch!

Will be added in


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