Titles changing from uppercase to lowercase

Hi, in our community we require a certain format for titles posted in a certain category. However, sometimes when a user attempts to make a topic or edit a topic’s title, the title appears in lowercase letters. For example, a date for an event on our forum would be written like this:

Day of the month, time in Zulu, Month, Year

Which would be written like this:


And would ultimately show up like this:


(September 7th, 2015, 2140 Zulu). Occasionally when someone attempts to write a title like this, it would show up like this:


And the user is unable to make the letters uppercase again, even after multiple attempts of editing the title.

You probably want to turn off title prettify in the site settings.

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I don’t have access (as a moderator), but I’ll ask my site admin to do so. Thanks!

Looks like it is working fine now :slight_smile:

going to close this, flag to reopen if I got it wrong.