Can't find Upgrade Discourse button after last upgrade

sorry you are right … but it does take you to your user preferences admin page, not to the dashboard directly … :thinking: e.g.


I wonder if this is an edge case … :thinking:

It is not the same as hitting the admin link on the menu, which takes you to


I wonder if somehow you are being logged out?

Noting is working, I have removed all the plugins except docker manager and rebuild discourse and I log in for a while then it happens again, when I click on “Admin” I get this message “Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private.”

I have created a new user with Admin privileges and for some reason I am getting two headers, and the page is hanging.

I think I have to format the server and install docker and discourse again.

Just as a Hail Mary now you’re seeing double headers, do you have cloudflare?


I do have Cloudflare, and I followed the instructions you sent. Everything is now resolved. I was in the process of downloading backups and preparing to format the server, so your assistance saved me valuable time and effort. Thank you very much for your help!

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