Category-Specific Moderators, phase 1 RFC

I’d like to bump this a bit, as apparently the perceived interest is not enough to warrant its coding.

Category-specific moderators would be very useful in our setting, where we have a unified pre-existing community (alumnis) with various topics of interests (and animators of such). Right now, we have only two choices:

  • Create several discourse instances, and have the topic animators moderators of their own instance ; but then everything is split and this does not encourage to view what else happens.
  • Create only one big dicourse, but then topic animator can either moderate everything or nothing.

Neither of those choices is very satisfying. We are going with the second one for now, but this is not very good.
Also, this is an old feature that pretty much every other forum solution has. I don’t see any compelling argument for why it would be so useless.