Change categories to something else

Hello, I want to change the term categories to something else.
I have tried to change in Customize text section but nothing changes after I change it.

Hi @Zee :slightly_smiling_face:

There are quite a few references to ‘category/categories’ so it’s worth checking that you’re updating the right one you’re aiming for.

Depending which customise text fields you’ve updated, it can sometimes take a while for those changes to filter through to where they need to be. You can manually trigger the Jobs::EnsureDbConsistency background job from your /sidekiq/scheduler page to speed it up and see if that helps?

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What problem are you solving by renaming categories? You are likely to cause more problems than you’ll solve.

There are many references to categories, so it will be difficult to find and change them via the ux. You can look in the locale file to see all of the references and consider changing them in a plugin. My guess is that the string you changed isn’t the string you’re looking at.

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