Change icons globally

This is an easy way to change a Discourse icon globally.

  1. Right click on the icon you want to change and select “Inspect element” or “Inspect” (depends on the browser)

  2. Find the icon name

  3. Search a new icon here Find Icons with the Perfect Look & Feel | Font Awesome, e.g. external-link-alt

  4. Customize and add the code in your admin > customize > themes > Header tab

<script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.11">
  api.replaceIcon('link', 'external-link-tab');
  1. Icons that are not used by default from Discourse must be added in the site setting svg icon subset then force refresh your browser to see the changes applied.
    All the “link” icons will be replaced by “external-link-tab”.
    If an icon is used for multiple elements in other pages, such as badges, the icon will also be replaced there.


Note that there is already a theme component that allow you to change the Like icon. I’m using this case as example

The “heart” icon, used to give Like, is hardcoded with other names ('d-liked' and 'd-unliked') and should be treated differently than other icons, so to change the :heart: icon with :+1: icon:

<script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.11">
  api.replaceIcon('d-liked', 'thumbs-up'); api.replaceIcon('d-unliked',

but on the badge page the icon is still “heart”:

so to change it on that page we add:

<script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.11">
  api.replaceIcon('d-liked', 'thumbs-up'); api.replaceIcon('d-unliked',
  'thumbs-up'); api.replaceIcon('heart', 'thumbs-up');

Another example:

<script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.11">
  api.replaceIcon('d-watching', 'eye');

changes the watching icon:

See here other exceptions that cover the tracking status, expand/collapse, notifications and likes of course.
  "d-tracking": "bell",
  "d-muted": "discourse-bell-slash",
  "d-regular": "far-bell",
  "d-watching": "discourse-bell-exclamation",
  "d-watching-first": "discourse-bell-one",
  "d-drop-expanded": "caret-down",
  "d-drop-collapsed": "caret-right",
  "d-unliked": "far-heart",
  "d-liked": "heart",
  "d-post-share": "link",
  "d-topic-share": "link",
  "notification.mentioned": "at",
  "notification.group_mentioned": "users",
  "notification.quoted": "quote-right",
  "notification.replied": "reply",
  "notification.posted": "reply",
  "notification.edited": "pencil-alt",
  "notification.bookmark_reminder": "discourse-bookmark-clock",
  "notification.liked": "heart",
  "notification.liked_2": "heart",
  "notification.liked_many": "heart",
  "notification.liked_consolidated": "heart",
  "notification.private_message": "far-envelope",
  "notification.invited_to_private_message": "far-envelope",
  "notification.invited_to_topic": "hand-point-right",
  "notification.invitee_accepted": "user",
  "notification.moved_post": "sign-out-alt",
  "notification.linked": "link",
  "notification.granted_badge": "certificate",
  "notification.topic_reminder": "far-clock",
  "notification.watching_first_post": "discourse-bell-one",
  "notification.group_message_summary": "users",
  "notification.post_approved": "check",
  "notification.membership_request_accepted": "user-plus",
  "notification.membership_request_consolidated": "users",
  "notification.reaction": "bell",
  "notification.votes_released": "plus",
  "notification.chat_quoted": "quote-right",

Ref: discourse/icon-library.js at main · discourse/discourse (

Feel free to create other themes component and share it in our Theme component category!

This document is version controlled - suggest changes on github.