Change mention from username to a name?

How would I go about changing the appearance of a mention to be instead of @usernamefieldhere to @fullnamefieldhere.
For example @OverseersMight would be @ John Doe. (If my name was john doe)
Sorry for the mention john didn’t mean to mention you…



Currently there is no this kind of option in Discourse but maybe this topic could be helpful :arrow_down:

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I think that if you don’t want people to use usernames then what your should do is get a plugin that makes the username be the same as first_last.

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Any links to this plugin @pfaffman? I also found this,

Which also seems to work.
Thank you for being such a great contributor to this community.


Wow. Looks cool. That’s a better solution than mine since it doesn’t require a non-existent plugin. I’m not very good at thinking of solutions that involve Ember/javascript. Good work!

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