How to display full name in comments embeds

In the embedded topics iframe, the user’s username is displayed instead of the full name. I have configured all the admin settings to display full name. but it’s not working?

Any sugguestions?

CleanShot 2022-05-24 at 15.45.33


For anyone else also looking to modify:

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Hi @j3ang , can you maybe let me know the change you have made in the file to accomplish this? I tried changing username to fullname but that didn’t work.

OK, some more trial and error brought this: change <%= post.user.username %> to <%= %> — simple, but you just have to know it…

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Important note: if you want to override Discourse’s files, you need to use either a theme component or a plugin.

A good example of what you’re trying to do can be found here:

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