Change title tag of the 404 page

Is it possible to change the title tag of the 404 page ? I now i can change the text that is displayed but i can’t seem to find how to change the title tag. It shows the name of our discourse page.

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This would be very valuable as it is needed to track 404 pages in Google Analytics. Does anyone have any input?

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I actually agree with this one @zogstrip, our 404 page oddly enough does not have a distinct <title>. We should add - Page Not Found or something on the end at least.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>Discourse Meta</title>

Above is a random 404 link here to meta :point_up_2:


@nbianca can you add this one to your list?

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I added a generic “Page Not Found - SITE_TITLE” title. It is a translatable string and can be easily customized.


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