Changes coming to settings for giving access to features (from trust levels to groups)

This is an interesting out of the box thought… with this new direction trust levels beyond TL3 potentially become less relevant. TL4 is already only achievable by an admin giving it to a user, so it could be replaced with just creating groups for different roles in the community, giving those groups the appropriate permissions, and then adding people to those groups.

I have no idea what you are referring to - if you could share an example and explain it, I’d appreciate that.

Perhaps dating myself, but my mind goes to Drupal roles which had a fairly horrifying table-based UI for visualizing and configuring roles and permissions. I wouldn’t want to go back to that but perhaps somebody could do a data explorer query to create a table view of groups and their permissions.

We also already have a PERMISSIONS tab on groups pages, which indicates which categories members of the group have access to. Perhaps we could expand on this to also show what features the group has access to.