Combined Watching/Tracking list

Hi there, I’m getting requests from quite a few users for a list of all Tracked or Watched topics together. Since they are heavy users they have lots of Tracked topics and some Watched topics too, and they’re having a hard time keeping track of the topics they were participating in if those topics don’t have new posts in the Unread list.

There were related requests here:

I have added sidebar links to /latest?state=watching and /latest?state=tracking because the links to those filters in the user preferences are extremely obscure and hard to find. But it would make more sense to have them all together in a single list.

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There is a builtin function that does this, but with the catch that if a topic has posts the user hasn’t read even when not tracking/watching it will also show those.

The URL is /unseen and basically is just a filtered version of Latest that doesn’t show topics that are muted or that the user has read all of the posts in it.

Try this version here on Meta


Looks like some progress has been made thanks to

/filter?q=in:watching,tracking seems to work pretty well.

But it’s still quite obscure as mentioned in this related topic: