Custom Header Links not respecting 'vdo' setting

I am experiencing the problem that the header links are not hidden when mobile view is active. That worked until my last Discourse update. Now the header links are visible all time, but still set to “vdo”. Any idea?

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I played around a little today.

In Discourse version b618d08d36 it still works. The menu items are all set to vdo and disappear when the layout changes to the mobile version. In Discourse version 88d259b73a from today it does not matter if the parameter for a menu item is vdo or even vdm - it is shown always. That leads to the problem that the site icon is not visible anymore and also the elements on the right side of the header bar.

Any idea about this? I am happy to give more details, but at the moment I do not know what might be interesting or important. :slight_smile:

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Thank you @JammyDodger for splitting this into a new topic.

I played around a little more…

…and opened the discourse instances on my mobile devices (Android and iOS phones). No menu items visible!

It seems that the feature is not there anymore which hid the menu items when making the desktop browser window smaller until the mobile view is active.

In my eyes this should be added again as all other components still work that way and activate the mobile view also in the desktop browser.

But for the “normal” user everything still works as it should.

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