Daily Summary (9pm UTC)

Today on meta.discourse.org

Key Stats

  • New posts: 170
  • New topics: 22

Top users:

  1. Moin (31 likes, 16 posts)
  2. Lilly (25 likes, 11 posts)
  3. merefield (24 likes, 9 posts)
  4. ondrej (16 likes, 5 posts)
  5. oga (9 likes, 14 posts)

Interesting Topics





#Site Management



Theme Component


Activity by the @team Group

Lilly was particularly active, providing support and insights across multiple topics. They offered guidance on configuring post notices, explained desktop category page style settings, and helped troubleshoot issues with the Reply TextArea size.

mcwumbly shared updates on the current projects, addressing questions about instant search experiments and the converter framework development.

sam discussed potential improvements for related topics display and provided information on RAG capacities of discourse-ai.

hugh made improvements to the documentation on creating consistent admin interfaces, addressing feedback and making necessary corrections.

awesomerobot offered guidance on setting up a feature request forum with upvotes and comments, suggesting the use of the Topic Voting plugin.

keegan announced a fix for the AI helper issue on iPad DiscourseHub.

tgxworld identified and provided a fix for an issue causing slow updates during Discourse version upgrades.

joffreyjaffeux acknowledged an identified fix for a chat message sending issue, noting it would take some time to implement.

fzngagan responded to feedback on a feature request for adding more data in user approval.

supermathie offered advice on generating login links and suggested ways to improve user experience during redirects.

Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you again tomorrow! :slight_smile: