Daily Summary Feedback

I kind of like getting my 8AM report giving an overview of where stuff is at in past 24 hours.

Where I see it going:

  • AI getting better, report generally becoming more truthful and useful
  • Techniques improving leading to better reports

Does anonymous need this? I am not sure, I like it as an ad for “cool things Discourse can do” but if the cost is too high then anonymous can just log in.

Does “hot + context” solve this? No I am not sure it does, I still see this as supplementary, AI report can do fancy things with data that hot+context can not.

Still hot+context is mighty cool, I want to get to that for sure.

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So I kind of feel like the “show off the feature” version of this should be a one-topic-per-day thing, and the “I need my 8am summary” version should be a PM to the handful of people that need that.


It could help if it can be customized to all 24 timezones, 6am is standard deadline for print newspaper delivery.

PM has some limitations.

  1. We don’t yet support a “group target”, which is resolvable
  2. Fundamentally we need to answer: “is handful of people” just Discourse staff or do we want to widen it to TL3/TL2 or more.
  3. Annoying bug in automation means that if you edit it, the trigger drifts by 24 hours making it basically impossible to edit automation rules.

I can probably fix the (1) and (3) but (2) needs an answer.

“show off feature” still forces us to solve the "?silent=true" feature to remove noise from the forum.


Let’s put my feedback aside for now.

I do think the UX for subscribing to these digest and how to deliver them deserves more thought but maybe it’s more productive to stick with what you’re doing for now while you iterate on the summary quality itself while this is still very experimental.


I’ve unsubscribed for this 3 or 4 times now. Still getting emails.

Hmm. :thinking: That’s unfortunate. Did you unsubscribe from the email? Could you try muting each of the summary topics and see if that helps?

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I agree with this, overall it reads more as a list of events rather than summary.

If possible to have summaries of overall themes and topics posted in a few paragraphs that would be much more readable.

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Yikes this got truncated @JammyDodger Daily Summary (9pm UTC) - #16 by Discourse

I wonder if we should just limit at 15 topics for now … will see if I can raise token counts…


I mean, I can ask him… Bert gets very excited when it comes to telling us about all the things. But I can certainly ask him.


It usually helps if you warn Bert that puppies are going to die if Bert refuses to follow instructions :stuck_out_tongue:

I am untangling some of the issues here @JammyDodger this is a good start

At least Bert will stop calling out Bert.

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One more here:

Once this lands @JammyDodger teach Bert to add ?silent=true which will fix the issue @Bas and others complained about.


I think both of this resolve the open pains here, are there any other ones you can think of @JammyDodger ? Except for Bert being Bert…


I started getting this out of the blue over the weekend. When I went to the topic in question, it was set to Normal, not Watching as described in the initial post in the thread

The category is default muted so they don’t show up in the Latest list, etc, and I’ve formatted the mentions so they don’t fire notifications, but you will still get a ping if your topic is linked.

But, good news :partying_face:, Sam has kindly created a special trick to make them not fire out notifications for links either. I just need to remember to tell Bert…


Bert should follow instructions a bit better post my latest round of changes, hopefully Bert will understand what 15 means finally…

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I think the puppies died


I genuinely wrote in 'These instructions must be followed or puppies will die` as well. Obviously Bert is Team Cat.


He seems to have gone the way now and is only including 5 topics.

Other than that, how’s everyone finding it? Still something you like to look at?

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