Delete system account with admin right without revoke button

Hello, we have a system bot account created by a plugin. Can we delete that account? There is no revoke admin rights button for this account. Please see the screenshot below:

Please advise how to delete this account ,thanks

Did a bit of a search. I think this would work so long you have access.

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I’m curious. Why should it be deleted?

Oh, it’s a bot account created by a non-official plug-in developed by a third party, and we want to either delete the user or downgrade it to a normal user. Since it is only used in chat and has no associated posts, what strategy would you recommend as the best approach?

Keep it. As a chatbot it needs those rights. As long you clearly tell it is chatbot/ai no one thinks it’s human.

What is the issue you are trying to fix? Will it show as an admin somewhere or is this about security concerns?