Regarding bots

Around 2 months ago, during the beta build of my (presently self-hosted and currently complete/fully built how I need it to be) discourse forum - I managed to install, somehow an AI ChatBot: gpt3.5_bot

It’s in the USERS panel, however I see in the admin notes dated June 9th - It was indeed not working and Hence fourth I dropped it for a bit and forgot all about it as I was planning on testing how I can potentially utilize it and get it to work properly and more! However, I can’t seem to ‘delete’ it outright as currently it has no use and I don’t really want it publicly viewable on the USERS section etc as it’s just ugly and I’d - well - just much rather completely get rid of it completely, and because it’s been so long, I forgot how I enabled it in the first place and got to it. I did have a look through the settings, but now can’t seem to find anything about it.

Can anyone help point me in the right direction? Would be appreciated, thanks! (I have tried to change it’s member permission, however it still has it as an ADMIN/MOD so I can’t easily wipe it out).