Disable Email Verification for Discourse Plugin

:envelope_with_arrow: Summary Disable Email Verification for Discourse is a fork of the unmaintained angelim/discourse_user_auto_activation and provides an option for administrators to bypass the email verification step during user registration. No more waiting for email confirmations; get users started immediately.
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Link https://github.com/codergautam/disable-email-verification-discourse
:open_book: Install Guide How to install plugins in Discourse

How to use the Disable Email Verification plugin

  1. Install the plugin following the provided installation guide.
  2. Navigate to the admin panel of your Discourse instance.
  3. Go to Plugins and ensure the Disable Email Verification plugin is enabled.
  4. Press on settings.
  5. Locate the disable_email_verification setting and enable it to bypass email verification.

Note: Disabling email verification might lead to potential issues with spam or fake accounts. It’s recommended to use this feature judiciously and consider alternative verification methods.

Technical Aspects

This plugin directly modifies the UsersController and User classes to circumvent the email verification step during the registration process. With the disable_email_verification setting enabled, the plugin ensures:

  • The email token isn’t created.
  • The active field of the user is automatically set to true.

For those interested, the entire codebase is open-source and contributions (and stars :star:) are always welcome.

Roadmap for Disable Email Verification Plugin

  • Skip Email Verification

  • Disable Sending Other Emails to Unverified Users

    • Prevent sending any emails to users who haven’t verified their email address
    • Reduce Bounce rate & cost
  • Role System

    • Allow unverified users to access Discourse.
    • Require emails for specific configurable tasks.

Just to note @codergautam, all questions/bug reports/support requests for third-party plugins should be asked within their respective plugin topic, as the person maintaining it is responsible for answering/looking after those. :+1:

Only questions about official plugins would get separate tagged topics. :discourse:


Got it. Sorry about that.


Known bug, this plugin causes issues with the user preferences section, don’t use it in production yet. I’m working on a fix.


Should be fixed now! It’s using a deprecated method (modify_user_params) but other than that works fine. If anyone knows how to use the new alternative for it, please let me know. I tried multiple things but didn’t work. Still don’t use it in production, I will be testing it on my 1.8k member Forum and seeing how it goes.

Fix commit:



Hello, thanks for the plugin. Can you tell us about your experiences about the plugin?

Does the plugin causes any error right now?


Hi, I’m using it in production here. https://iogames.forum . It’s working well, no errors so far. If any bugs are there and you find, let me know, I’ll fix it.


Known bug: Emails are still asked to be verified if user is invited via invite. I’m busy but I’ll try to fix this some day.


I’ve also noted that it shows a similar message when users need to be approved by staff.


Was REALLY hoping this worked. Got the plugin to show but it’s still queuing for an email.

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Hey its been a while since I tested this, but will look i to it today.


I have installed it now. No problems during registration, the user is immediately activated.
Have you checked the box in the plugin settings?


Yeah, hmm all go through it again today with a user.


Still getting activation messages. I am using the google sso, could that be the issue?


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What if they just try to sign in after seeing that screen? Does that work by chance?

That shouldn’t even be sending verification when the plugin isn’t installed, AFAIK, the Google SSO validates the emails itself.

Just attempted and asking me to validate still.

I have the SSO set to internal so that only people in our organization can sign in.

I’m wondering if I have some conflict with another SSO. I don’t think I should but maybe that’s the case?

I have nextend SSO set up for my WordPress site to register and sign in for an internal application because we have workspace.

I have the website pointing to my community on a subdomain. Then I have connect SSO and all the plugin stuff activated (although I don’t think my hd2 and groups is setup right)

Still works fine for me!

@codergautam Thanks so much for this plugin! :call_me_hand:

How concerned should we be about it breaking on future updates?