Disable unverified users to create topic

Hi, I have problem dealing spam accounts, they are created through local accounts, If I look into one spam account, it says primary email not verified, I want to disable this kind of accounts to create a new Topic until they verify their email, how to achieve this?

I dont know if this setting will help deleting unverified users


setting this to 0 will allow unactivated users forever? it seems entirely opposite of what this field is for.

If their emails aren’t verified then they shouldn’t be allowed to post. Are they staged users? (That is, do you allow anonymous users to email in?)


That is, do you allow anonymous users to email in?

how to check this? there is a settings enable staged users which says Automatically create staged users when processing incoming emails. and it is checked. is this what you are asking?

This is how that spam account permission looks right now.

It doesn’t look like that’s a staged user.

I’m not sure how people are logging into your site with an unactivated account. Do you have any special login methods?


Do you have any special login methods?

Only two methods, local login and google oauth. I’m pritty sure he is not using google his domain is not under gmail.

I see there is another thread with similar issue as mine

I dont know if any progress on that thread.

Ah yes, we discussed that further in PM. That was down to SSO not verifying the emails before passing them to Discourse.

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How can I proceed further to find the root cause of this issue? should I contact you (or someone) through DM?

No, you’re best off having a public topic so other people can weigh in with ideas if they have some. :+1:

I’m afraid I don’t have many more ideas for what has happened. Did someone deactivate their account after they posted? (You can check your staff action logs for ‘deactivate user’)

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Yes, I deactivated that account after I saw that account created one spam topic, nginx’s access.log didn’t show any new topic activity either from this user. I’m really confused how this guy creating new topic without using web interface, there should be some other way to create topic other then the web interface, thats why asking help here.

If you deactivated the account then that would explain why the email is unverified (them needing to reverify their email is part of the deactivation)

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No, the account posted a spam topic first with unverified email, thats why I deactivated that account.

I think we may be talking cross-purposes. :slight_smile: I don’t mean Silence or Suspend, but specifically ‘deactivate’:

Did you check your staff action logs?

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sorry, I meant to say I silenced and suspended that account after that spam topic.

If you didn’t deactivate the account, then I think you’ve got to work out how they managed to bypass the normal email verification step. From what you’ve described so far, I don’t see how this is possible.

Signing up locally would send them an email to activate their account, which verifies their email, and signing up using google would also verify their email.


do we have any logs which can give some clue? apart from nginx logs.

Not that I can think of. Are you the only mod/admin for the site?

I’m an admin to that website, I’m just trying to see whats going on, I don’t even know where that box is running and don’t have ssh access.

Meanwhile, I see something strange, somebody logged in as “system”, created a “Test” account and deleted immediately

I asked the admin guys did anyone logged in as system account and created Test account, yet to get reply from them. If they say nobody logged in as system at that time, then it looks like that box is compromised.

In this case, can anyone create user account through db bypassing email verification? can we see their activity in db logs?

I think this is shown in the logs when a user uses the delete button at their profile.


If the user delete their account from their profile, do the logs will show system in user field? it should be showing ‘Test’ in user field right? there is something fishy here.