Discourse Category Lockdown

I was merely responding to the suggestion that the entire plugin was broken since 2019.

And did you see this?


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Just to check, so this commit means it does currently work with Chat?

@Mr.X_Mr.X @matenauta

Ah. No sorry. That’s what I expected was the case, but I wasn’t clear. It’s hard to make sense of this topic that spans years!

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Just to update this topic. Am using this plugin and no actual errors or bugs that I know off.


Haven’t upgraded my Discourse instance in a long time and this plugin is a key part of my community. Is it still supported in latest version?


yes, its working @dylanb
my discourse is 2.9.0.beta9 version (september/2022)

thank you for sharing @fzngagan
very useful to me


Is it possible to continue the development of this plug-in to restrict the content viewing for unauthorized users? User Page Activity listing to be more specific.

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I cannot seem to find a way to activate the lock to redirect a category to a single URL? How do I do that?

Does this plugin work alongside Topic List Excerpts, to show excerpts on the list of topics?

Does this plugin work with Category Previews?

The category previews theme component and this plugin work differently so it makes no sense to combine them.

The category previews prevents access to the actual category and shows a “fake” category instead.

This plugin leaves the category accessible and prevents access to the actual topics in the category.


I’ve moved some posts to a new topic since they have nothing to do with the plugin…
6 posts were split to a new topic: Tag lockdown?

Hi Faizaan, your work is awesome. And I have another needs, that user are able to view and post their own topics, even if that topics are in restricted category. Currently I figured that there is no way to do that. The component will redirect all the topics in the restricted category. Would you be interested in adding this feature? Thank you very much!!!


Haven’t updated my Discourse instance in a while, is this plugin still confirmed working in latest?

It works for me, and I updated… two days ago.

It’s working like old days :slight_smile:

Greetings dear Discourse team and forum users! I recently installed this templates plugin in composer and am actively testing it these days.

Today I discovered that it violates the privacy of hidden topics provided by the Category Lockdown plugin )

If a user has access to a category but cannot view topics in that category, they can easily bypass these restrictions by using the insert template feature in the post editor. Where all hidden topics are presented as templates. The fact is that on my site, in certain categories, each theme is a template to which a select group of users has access. Although these template themes are hidden from general users, the categories of these themes are not hidden as we are trying to promote these templates using the Category Lockdown plugin.
Here is the video report.

For this video, I logged into the forum as a regular user, who does not have access to the hidden topic. But as you can see, the user easily bypassed the restriction and saw the contents of the topic.

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This would appear to be an issue with the pavilion Category Lockdown plugin rather than a bug with the Templates plugin.

I’ll slide this over to the relevant topic to get the right eyes on it. :+1:


The Discourse Templates plugin is not aware of the Category Lockdown plugin, so it won’t respect the functionality provided by the latter.

Using these two the way you’re trying is a bad combo.

As a workaround, if you don’t want your users to be able to see some templates you can use a subcategory with more limited permissions to store them.


Thanks for the quick feedback :pray:

I also thought about this at first, but my templates are already structured by subcategories. So in these subcategories I would also like to advertise these templates :man_shrugging:
But, I think that this is an obvious problem that needs to be fixed in any case, since both plugins, as I understand it, have a right to life.