Discourse Central Theme — Meta Pre-Release Out Now!

It doesn’t seem to make sense that the number of Likes and Replies show on the right. It makes the important content (the text) narrow and it creates an inconsistent width across multiple topics. I would move those underneath the content:

To also create consistency, I would always include the 3 boxes: likes, replies, Reply. If there’s no likes or replies, just show 0. If we can’t reply, just gray out the Reply button.

I think that the icons used for the replies and Reply, should be different, because they do different things or at least, represent different things.

I would keep the one on the Reply button, and use something like

for the replies, because in the end, it’s a conversation.


but then when I clicked it changed the heart to red momentarily, I got the pop up saying I couldn’t like the topic and it reverted back to 6. I got inside the topic and it was indeed changed red:


For example in this topic:

when I’m at the top I see this:

and when I scroll down I see this (words and icons are cut at the bottom):

In this case:

1 - I think there’s too much space at the top and it could be reduced to this, aligning the Back To Forum with the box on the right:

2 - I think that this section should be fixed/locked and not scroll, only the content itself, because if I’m at the very bottom of the sidebar’s content and I want to go back to the forum or I want to collapse everything, I need to scroll all the way up:

3 - The Filter box should follow the same formatting as the Search, for consistency:

4 - I think the icons could be slightly smaller so they could align perfectly with the text, and I think that a different icon would look better. The current one, at least for me, always gives me the impression that it’s an empty page. So in the end, all the changes would look like this below (before and after), including the removed extra space, Filter box, icons, locked sidebar, different / smaller / gray (instead of black) icons, added divider below the filter box for added separation and consistency with the remaining groups:

I think that this would look better in terms of the buttons (Unpinned, Normal):

instead of this:

because when we click the Unpinned and the Normal/Tracking, that same information is displayed. Having all buttons aligned just looks more organized and less cluttered. But this applies to all themes, actually.

I believe that the theme should be available to all admins to test, because that would allow admins to create “theme tester” groups and let other users test it, increasing the amount of feedback, especially bugs. The theme is already very complete, I believe, so it’s a matter of fixing bugs first, and then focus on UI/UX tweaks.

Anyway, congrats on the theme. Discourse really needs a more modern theme available and this could be it. :clap: