Discourse Central Theme — Meta Pre-Release Out Now!

agreed, when it does I will download this instantly


Good progress, but I notice you can’t filter topics by views and posts as you can with the original theme style. I know I personally do that in my community a lot, to see how past topics are trending.


Can we have the GitHub Repo?

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it is pre-release and will open-source on release


How can I test this theme?


For now, you can test it only here, on Meta. Just choose “Central” from bottom left of the sidebar:


I notice the scrollbox being quite bigger than the rest of the content in the theme. It’s also hard to read sometimes.

My [seperate] suggestions:

  1. Perhaps we could make the scrollbar blue, or a color that indicates position to avoid confusion.

  2. Or, we can replace the current scrollbar with a tick that looks like a - sign in the middle of the scrollbar.

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I agree with the comment regarding scrollbars, also the left-hand category menu is really blown out (a lot of spacing, wide scroll bar - it feels cramped yet at the same time seems like a lot of space is wasted. Maybe it could be tuned a bit? The scrollbar has oldtimey windows feel, can it be skinned to look more modern and thinner?


Maybe it’s a temporary effect of ongoing development, but on my 11“ iPad Pro, the side bar menu is currently missing on the front page. I can see it when opening the settings. However, there it is cut off on the right side.

On the 12.9“ model, everything seems fine, though.


Can’t wait for the release!


Some feedback:

The basic decisions made in this theme are probably some of the best across all of discourse. There’s some major affordance and gestalt issues with it though:

affordance imbalance

On the category page, the actual posts have the least affordance of the entire page, with the Top Contributors section having the most affordance. That means that you have to wrestle your gaze away from the juicy bento box and massive top contributor to stay focused on the posts, which just isn’t helpful for that page. A fix for this may be to give each post a post snippet (similar to the Air theme) to increase their affordance, while also deemphasizing the Top Contributors section and your own profile card. For most intents and purposes, those sections are static and secondary; I visit the “bug” category to see bug reports in them, not to see who commented the most on bugs.

gestalt confusion

Also on the category page, the “New Topic” button in the sidebar belongs to the wrong group. It looks like it’s a tab for a different type of content (like “home”, “messages”, “following topics” are), while the category header itself doesn’t have anything.

It wants to go here:

Something similar is true for the homepage. If you don’t want to have a button inside the “Home” header, consider giving the button a lot more affordance while keeping it in the sidebar (similar to the “tweet” button on twitter), or having a textbox-looking underneath right underneath (facebook, reddit, also twitter if you’re on the home feed) - or both!

(NB: note how twitter’s sidebar, despite doing the same thing as you, doesn’t completely overpower the feed because the items inside the feed are so much more massive on twitter. Even at a minimum size, it’s 3 rows with lots of padding and a bolded name, vs discourse cental’s 2 rows, without any bold text)


how can I use this theme on my discourse account?


I believe as of right now, the theme is currently only available on the Discourse Meta forum.
Welcome to the forum.


Curious to see how this looks with categories.




Neat, the url wasn’t working before with that theme. Doesn’t look bad.


Hello, it is a very nice design. Approximately when will it be published?


Can I please know when this will be released?


you can test it here on meta

Really really clean and tidy and refreshing. Can’t wait for you to open-source it so that we can try it on one’s own instance :rofl:.

But… Will this theme be open-sourced?

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