Discourse GitHub

:discourse2: Summary Discourse GitHub Allows staff to assign badges to users based on GitHub contributions. Also allows users to create Github Linkbacks and Permalinks
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Link https://github.com/discourse/discourse-github
:open_book: Install Guide How to install plugins in Discourse


Github Badges

Assign badges to your users based on GitHub contributions.

How to use:
  1. Enable github badges enabled in Settings -> Plugins.
  2. Generate a GitHub access token and paste it into the github linkback access token setting. See below for instructions.
  3. Add one or more URLs of the GitHub repos to scan for contributions to the github badges repos site setting.

Github Linkback

Create a link from a Github pull request or commit back to a Discourse post where it is mentioned.

How to use:
  1. Enable github linkback enabled in Settings -> Plugins.
  2. Generate a GitHub access token and paste it into the github linkback access token setting. See below for instructions.
  3. Finally, add the projects you wish to post to in the github linkback projects site setting in the formats:
    • username/repository for specific repositories
    • username/* for all repositories of a certain user

Github Permalink

Replace Github non-permalinks with permalinks.

How to use:
  1. Enable github permalinks enabled in Settings -> Plugins.


GitHub Access Token

In order for the linkback feature to work and the badges to be granted to your users, you need to provide a Github access token. You can generate your token here: Sign in to GitHub ยท GitHub.

The linkback feature requires the public_repo scope, and granting badges requires no scope (leave everything unchecked if you only want badges). Since the public_repo scope grants write access to repositories, we recommend you create a throwaway Github account that has access to no repositories and use it just to generate a token.



Last edited by @JammyDodger 2024-06-18T15:21:44Z

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