Discourse jumps back 20 posts in post history when navigating to new topic

Spotted it on Safari - iOS 14.x

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I’ve been having this issue on my site lately, typically with larger topics that take longer to load.

Anyone else having a similar issue still. Could it be the race condition mentioned in the commit above?

For some time (over 6 months) I have been having this problem and these issues also (using windows 11 and edge browser (Version 113.0.1774.42 (Official build) (64-bit)) :

I initially thought it was from switching between my phone and pc but it continued after I stopped using the phone to access the forum.
I posted about it on the forum where it was occurring and it was suggested to try a different browser (der).

I have changed to Firefox browser (Version 113.0.1 64 bit) and all my issues with discourse forums have resolved.


Hello! Am visiting from the V1 Engineering Forum, several of us noticed this/similar unexpected behavior change.

Expected visiting a previously read topic to display the latest post read.
Actually seeing topics open 20 posts earlier. For Topics with less than 20 posts you end up positioned at the first post, and end up burning time scrolling down trying to figure which posts are newer than what you read last.

There an Admin setting to fix? And/or Discourse code fix available?

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This seems to have recently re-occured, and should be fixed soon (as the change was already merged)
New post:

GitHub PR:


Let’s close this one off in favour of the more recent one. :+1: