Discourse-moderator-attention: setting all to "reviewed", and missing icons

I’ve installed the discourse-moderator-attention plugin and had two questions:

Question 1: How do I set existing posts to patrolled?

Is there a quick query that could set all the 70,000+ previous posts to “patrolled” so I can keep track of only new ones?

It looks like the plugin runs this SQL:

CREATE TABLE moderator_post_views(
    post_id int not null,
    user_id int not null,
    last_viewed timestamp without time zone not null

Would this update be a safe way to do it? I’m not sure if I have the syntax correct.

INSERT INTO moderator_post_views(id, 1, make_date SET DEFAULT now()) (
    SELECT id FROM posts

Question 2: Is anyone else seeing missing Icons?

I’m wondering if anyone else is seeing missing icons on the “Latest” view or if there is something wrong with my install. I’ve checked in multiple browsers with browser extensions disabled.

This is the HTML from the browser inspector:

<div class="topic-statuses">
    <a href="/t/slug-is-here/12345/1" title="Topic contains posts that have not been reviews by moderators" class="topic-status ">
        <svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-asterisk svg-icon svg-string" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
            <use xlink:href="#asterisk"></use>

In the CSS, it looks like it might be targeting .fa-asterisk, but in the HTML above, it looks like the output is d-icon-asterisk. I’m not sure if that is the problem though.

If the plugin hasn’t been updated for FontAwesome 5 then yes there are going to be some issues with the icons. FA5 was implemented in November/December, the only update to the plugin since then was:


by @gerhard and it didn’t touch FontAwesome.


This one slipped through the cracks, the icon issue should be fixed via: https://github.com/discourse/discourse-moderator-attention/commit/b2b115680fcc9b581699796119b1da5fa9af8428


Thanks, it works now.

I’m not sure if I have the query right yet, but I think it might be this:

INSERT INTO moderator_post_views (post_id, user_id, last_viewed)
    SELECT id, 1, make_date(2019, 4, 25) FROM posts;

If no one who might know sees this, I’m going to backup before running it and hope for the best. :slight_smile:

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