Discourse Notifier

@HAWK thanks for sharing your view. Accordingly, the update is under implementation.

The plugin changes the notification level of categories, based on the most read topics by the user and the number of categories that are to be selected for recommendation is set by the site admin. But changing the notification level at every cron might end up in resulting different notification levels for many categories which in turn might frustrate the user with a huge number of notifications.

Now to avoid this, the plugin provides a setting that allows user to refuse to change its notification level. The site users have a choice to use this setting or not, by default it remains off.

The setting is provided at /preferences/profile section named as Allow site to change your notification level of frequently visited categories and Allow site to change your notification level of frequently visited tags

As per the discussion response, I will change the category setting to preferences/categories location and tag setting to preferences/tags location.

Now, I am implementing a feature where every time the cron task is repeated, the notification levels set for the categories will no longer be effective and only the top categories that came up in the next cron will be taken into consideration for the notifications without changing their notification level. For eg if the site admin has chosen 5 top categories, then every cron, will be affecting only 5 categories in existence and the previously affected categories and tags will be discarded.