Discourse Provide Full Name in Mentions

This is one experiment towards Full name @mentions

:information_source: Summary Provide full names for mentions in cooked html
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Link GitHub - thoka/discourse-provide-full-name-in-mentions
:open_book: Install Guide How to install plugins in Discourse


This plugin ads full names to mentions (users and groups) as a data attribute, allowing components to use/show full names without further requests.

Currently, we use it together with GitHub - thoka/discourse-show-name-mentions: A discourse theme component to display the full name instead of usernames in @mentions, but a CSS-only solution should work also.

Caveat: Since full names are cached inside cooked content, changes in full name will not be shown until rebake.


No configuration needed. You will have to rebake to include the data for old posts.


  • Watch for user and group name changes and rebake affected posts.