Discourse PWA on iOS often loses login. Force quitting restores it

I like the new Discourse PWA support for iOS. However, since I’ve been trialling it I’ve found myself inexplicably logged out a number of times (at least once a week). And oddly, if I force quit the app and re-enter, I am logged in again.


Same here on an iPhone 7, iOS 13.3.1


That is interesting. I have multiple sites, including Meta, on my iPad and the session on there was last used 3 days ago. After unlocking it the Meta pwa as still alive and logged in. It is running the last 13.5 beta iOS.


We’re getting similar reports from our users. Apparently clicking external links from a Discourse PWA logs them out of the forum when they return to it, and they have to force quit the app and re-open to log back in.

I’m not familiar with how external apps are handled in pinned apps in iOS (i.e. do they open in Safari or an embedded browser overlay?), but is there any way this can be improved?