Discourse Retort

@gdpelican, since the standard EmojiPicker base class already has this functionality built-in, but working on an element with the class emoji-picker-modal, maybe it is simpler just to put this class on the RetortEmojiPicker to make it work instead of having to do its own click handling and closing logic.

That probably would make it less prone to breaking in the future…

Do reactions count as “likes” or are they completely separate? Has there been any thought given to that? I’m starting to feel some demand from our users to diversify the reactions they can make beyond the like button.

This is a plugin and so I suppose it is separate from Like which is a core feature.

They are stored and presented completely separately from likes. Are there features around likes that you’d want to see transferred over to reactions?

Mainly I’d like to see the reactions included in the scoring for top posts

I’ve just implemented this and pushed to the latest master branch; let me know how you get on with it?


Sorry, have a go at making those category names lower case. I’ll push a fix in a few to make them case insensitive.


This is cool. Thanks! I’ll have to play around with it on ours and see.

In a similar vein as this, how about restricting some reactions (or giving certain reactions) to only certain user levels or mod/staff/admin/etc.? There are so many times I want to react with a :woman_facepalming: to someone but I don’t necessarily want the rest of the members to be able to use (read: abuse) it. This seems a little more difficult to implement. :thinking:

I think that’s a slippery slope. Model the behavior you want to encourage and allow others to do the same :slight_smile:. If you don’t want others doing it, it may be best not to allow yourself to do it either.


Now why’d you have to go and be all reasonable? :stuck_out_tongue: For the record (so I don’t look like a total jerk for suggesting it), I was thinking about it for all the times people pick on me in friendly jest as the moderator for our forum and not because I want to go around face-palming all the…lovely…people. Of course, you’re absolutely right. I almost didn’t post for that reason. Do unto others and all that ridiculously responsible stuff. :wink:

Never mind, @gdpelican. Apologies. :pray:


You could also try out turning on :facepalm: and modelling the behvaior you hope to see from others using it :wink: Maybe it’d be a net positive? (And if not, what happens if you later rescind that emoji from the allowed set?)

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Why would you have two categories with the same name?

The reactions are no longer showing up in PMs. Did something change? I could have sworn they were there before. :thinking:

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Thanks for the report; this has been fixed in the latest.


Hi ,

Amazing plugin, thanks for that. Just one design suggestion, I think would be better if the reaction given would be displayed with no background. :smiley:

Thanks again and good luck.


a few styling issues. this is with the default theme.


Oh, this is great! I really would like this to be a part of the plugins included in the business plan of discourse hosting.


Awesome plugin! Thanks for suggesting this plugin, @mcwumbly, and for getting me thinking about this, @mofosyne.

What do I look at to get a list of the emoticons that I will be able to select from to use in this plugin? I am thinking it is probably a standardized set or is it the set we have available through discourse? I want to have emoticons that rate/react to the quality of discourse (how civil you are) when talking to others as discussed here:

Solved, thanks to @paulkreuzer:



Can I limit what emojis are used as retorts through the plugin? Or do I go directly into the discourse settings and limit emojis across the board that are to be used as retorts as well as in the texts of posts, etc.?

Perhaps a better way of putting this is . . .

My dream scenario is to limit the retorts to a category of emojis I created for a particular type of retort (encouraging constructive discourse), but to leave the emojis that people can use in their posts open to all categories? Is that possible, and how?

Thanks in advance.

Go to Admin > Settings and search for retort, I think it is built in and does not require altering the emoji’s that Discourse uses.

Seems I am correct